Empowering farmers and ranchers and inspiring the next generation for a thriving and sustainable future in agriculture

President and Lead Agriculturalist

Rizpah Bellard is a graduate of Cornell University's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (BS '15). Raised on a Black Angus cattle ranch, Cornell was the perfect fit. Through both lived and academic experiences, Rizpah has combined natural sciences with social sciences.

In her professional experience, Rizpah has tackled many social-biological issues such as human trafficking, mental health, homelessness, global health, and education. After many years working with socially disadvantaged populations, Rizpah has pinpointed a major source of imbalance between the social and biological worlds - a widening gap between humans and their food.

As an entrepreneur, Rizpah founded Nova Farming to educate and expose society to the American and global agriculture sectors and build a bridge to agriculture as an occupation, to eventually even out the imbalance between society and nature. Rizpah has experiences in global agriculture in Changchun, China , Cali, Colombia and is currently consulting farmers and ranchers in Akure, Nigeria (Ondo State).

Rizpah holds a Master of Arts from The University of Denver's Josef Korbel School of International Studies in International Studies with a Concentration in Human Trafficking and Forced Labor and a Certificate of Global Health (‘20).

Rizpah is a recipient of the Fulbright Scholar Award (2020), is a member of COWGIRL Magazine’s 30 Under 30 Class of 2024, and is a member of the Farmer Ambassador Initiative for Symbrosia. Recently, she has been featured in the Fresno Bee for her work in agriculture.

Chat with Rizpah

Contact Rizpah today to learn more about Nova Farming’s consulting services, educational offerings or beef program.